You Must Be Aware That There Are Matters Which Nullify Your Islam.
PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF THEM. The FirstAssociating partners with Allah (Shirk). Allah, the Most High, says, Truly, if anyone associates partners with Allah, Allah will forbid him the Garden and his abode will be the Fire; the wrongdoers will have no helpers. Calling upon the dead, asking their help, or offering them gifts or sacrifices are all forms of Shirk. The Second Setting up intermediaries (amulets, charms, horoscopes, tarot cards) between oneself and Allah, making supplication to them, asking their intercession with Allah, and placing one’s trust in them is unbelief (kufr). The Third Anyone who does not consider polytheists (mushrikeen) to be unbelievers, or who has doubts concerning their unbelief, or considers their way to be correct, is himself an unbeliever (kafir). The Fourth Anyone who believes any guidance other than the Prophet’s guidance to be more perfect, or a decision other than the Prophet’s decision to be better, is an unbeliever. This applies to those who prefer the rule of Evil (Taghout) to the Prophet’s rule. Some examples of this are:
The Fifth Anyone who hates any part of what the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him) has declared to be lawful has nullified his Islam, even though he may act in accordance with it. Allah the Most High, says: Because they disliked what Allah has revealed. their deeds are brought to nothing. The Sixth Anyone who ridicules any aspect of the religion of the Messenger of Allah (peace be on him), or any of its rewards or punishments, becomes an unbeliever. Allah. the Most High, says: Say: Do you ridicule Allah, His revelations and His Messenger? Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your (profession of) faith. The Seventh The practice of magic included in this is causing a rift between a husband and wife by turning his love for her into hatred, or tempting a person to do things he dislikes by using black arts. One who engages in such a thing or is pleased with it is outside the pale of Islam. Allah the Most High, says, The two (angels, Harut and Marut) did not teach anyone (magic) without warning them, ‘indeed, we are a trial; then do not disbelieve.‘ The Eighth Supporting and aiding polytheists against the Muslims. Allah the Most High, says: The one from among you who supports them belongs to them. Truly, Allah does not guide the people who do wrong. The Ninth Anyone who believes that some people are permitted to deviate from the Shari’ah of Muhammad (peace be on him) is an unbeliever by the word of Allah, the Most High: If anyone seeks a religion other than al-Islam it will not be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. The Tenth To turn completely away from the religion of Allah, neither learning its precepts nor acting upon it. Allah the Most High, says: Who does greater wrong than the one who is reminded of the revelations of his Lord and turns away from them. Truly, We shall recompense the guilty, and He also says: But those who disbelieve turn away from that about which they are warned. N.B: It makes no difference whether such violations are committed as a joke, in seriousness or out of fear, except when they are done under compulsion. We seek refuge in Allah from such deeds as entail His wrath and severe punishment. Abu Mas'ud 'Uqba ibn 'Amr al-Ansari al-Badri reported that the Messenger of Allah, (PBUH), said, "Anyone who shows the way to something good has the same reward as the person who does it." [Muslim] E.g. if you encourage someone to go for Salah, or pay Zakat and the person actually goes ahead and prays or pays Zakat, Allah will reward him for the good deeds and at the same time give you (the one that encouraged them to do good) an equal reward as he has given them- without decreasing what he gave them. So Encourage Other To Do Good And Refrain From Bad Deeds |
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